Understanding the mind of a human is difficult. The strenuous cause of everyday mishaps, hurdles and challenges can rather quickly engulf the beholder in what is a somewhat daunting choreography of emotion. This can lead to the person in question feeling as thought their efforts aren't good enough to take on the most simplest of tasks.
Putting such a complex issue into bold context, it is similar to carrying a brick. Well, one brick doesn't seem too bad at all. Most people can carry a brick. And although the brick has its uses, it can be annoying to carry due to its shape and weight. An issue feels like a brick to some people. Then another is added to your being. This continues until the carrier can take no more. Its weight being too great and it simply bogging the person down as to what to do with such a bulk of goods.
In comes a purpose for those metaphorical bricks. The creative muse! This theory of help is as old as time and can be a godsend to those at their wits end! You can use the bricks for something finally. The use of something that has a negative impact and previous connotations of annoyance and useless weight can be used to build something better. To achieve. This can come in many forms such as creating a dance move whilst washing to music, a fond favourite of mine and one done whilst recently helping a close friend. Trying to create silly characters doing a job can make the possible tedious chore more interesting which again has been used very recently! Surrounding yourself with people to achieve these things can be a great help too, especially someone that bounces personalities with yourself. You can share your weight and feel a little lighter! This can mask the 'brick-load' long enough for the activity to fly by. As they say, time flies when your're having fun!
Creative muse can also be a great release for people. For instance, in my own world, I am a previous student of Musical Theatre and have been performing since a very early age. This release can come in the form of energy which would be via making a brush stroke, creating a dance routine or even in the form of directing a piece of theatre. Not only this, but it can come in the more unclear form too. Every thing that is posted online within social media is creative. The thought of what goes into the words are created by the user. In fact, a blog is a creative muse via words too!
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, its these little masks and tricks that nudge us through the understated effort of achieving what we are all capable of achieving. Sure, things can be difficult when you feel like you're carrying a bucket of bricks, but finding something to do with them either alone or in company can make the world of difference. So if you feel like someone is carrying a lot of weight, help them and make them laugh. You'll feel much lighter too.