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  • Writer's picturePS JARVIS

Being in a Long Distance Relationship

As I am writing this, I am on a train back from London. More specifically from a full afternoon exploring the aptly named Winter Wonderland. It is a fantastical place that a variety of demographics partake in to enjoy the festive season. They stroll round gazing at the dazzling lights whilst tucking into authentic Bavarian treats. One of the demographics are couples which is the one me and my beautiful partner fell into as we entered a festive bonanza.

As a bit of background, without disclosing too much info, myself and my Girlfriend (Shall be known as My Queen throughout this post) do not live close together at all. No casual walk down the road, no bus journey or even taxi ride. A rather crappy journey of just over two hours. My Queen resides in a north westerly part of Kent whilst my home is coastal Hampshire meaning the span of I believe, without checking, 3 counties over is a gulf and can be a hell of a journey to make.

From the beginning of our relationship my Queen and I lived in each other’s pockets. For effectively the first 2 years. Being the year above on the same uni course meant that for a whole year (My third, My Queen’s second) we could live at each other’s uni house which thankfully became a quick 10 minute walk away. This meant an intense living environment but one that shrouded both our lives with needed support through our heavy studies and love! My Queen’s third year was somewhat doable too as the university we had met at was placed about a 30 min train journey from my home. Sure the summers and Christmas breaks became tricky but with the appreciated lifts via family to and from each other’s family homes it became something that we could both cope with. Once My Queen had left after her third year it became less and less frequent that we would meet. FaceTime sessions become an absolute must and consummate texting about each other’s day is vital. Thankfully in the modern ages, GIFS, the use of social media platforms and FaceTime mean that a variety of expressions can be portrayed even whilst being a great distance away. It really has been a lifesaver to us especially. As easy at it seems though, effort has had to be made on both sides so we are both free and available to talk which can be difficult leading lives so far apart. But we seemed to have managed it well so far.

Which brings me roughly up to speed till today. We decided to get into the spirit of Christmas and to have a bit of us time by visiting somewhere nationally known as a must see attraction to laugh, talk and yes, you guessed it, have a cuddle. It costs absolutely nothing to enter and the activities and rides are plentiful. Deciding to just walk around during the most stressful financial time of the year meant we had more time to talk amongst ourselves in our own little, slightly chilly, bubble. (Please see below for plenty of photos!) Previously to this organised day we hadn’t seen each other since a brief stop in Kent post my Queen’s graduation. Which was roughly a month ago. Without seeing someone whom you’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time with at uni and of whom is considered the love of your life. We organised this trip as something that would be although hugely busy in the world around us, we could amerce ourselves in together whilst being in our own little world. It was important for us to not only catch up and fill in the gaps of various stories we have told each other over FaceTime but also to physically connect again.

- Sub Story: Today, when we sat down to gorge on cheesy chips I noticed a woman two tables over point to her partner at us. Confused, I slyly continued to ponder at what the woman was saying by trying to lip read. I managed to work out that she said “Look at how in love they are over there, it’s so lovely”. Looking down Just before commencing to eat I noticed our foreheads were leant and our hands had crept on top of one another naturally with no thought to do it. Maybe that’s a sign?

I won’t lie, I had butterflies on the train up to meet my Queen in London Victoria Station. Of a 2 and a half year relationship I still had butterflies knowing that I got to see someone who although technically far away had my back, loved me unequivocally and would always support me in anything I ever wanted to do. Even when not living together or near each other, the solid knowledge of that can plaster the broken heart with enough time to push through difficulties of finally living together. These little memories are the ones I cherish the most. Even though a long distance relationship is difficult at the best of times because of not being near the one you love most, that euphoric feeling and beaming smile when they walk through the ticket gate or turn up at your door makes everything worthwhile. It suddenly makes everything very simple in your mind with the context of knowing exactly what you want, what you crave and what you need. And eventually, without doubt, like me and my Queen, in time, everything will fall together.

As I retire home whilst my love goes the other direction I have no doubt in my mind the precious memories we will make on our next meet (OUR OWN PRE-CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS DAY) will be just as wonderful as the last. This blog post is dedicated to my rock, my shining light, my queen. I love you.

See our visit to Winter Wonderland in the 'PHOTO' and 'VLOG' pages.

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