I’m such a Nanny’s Boy. I do more than get on with my parents who I think the world of but when I think of the relationship I have with my family and who I dote on it unequivocally is my Nans. Naturally they are the elders in my family and as such, command a level of respect in such a way which comes naturally to everyone related to me. They air a certain sort of wisdom that spans nearly nine decades of their life. Born in the late 1920’s, they were children through the second world war and as such, were evacuated from their respective homes. Both have settled locally to me and live only about a 10-minute drive north and south of me. I have unfortunately lost both Grandads, one of whom passed in my teenage years and one who passed before I was born. So, growing up, there has been a significant influence in my life from the two most wonderfully rounded women.
To introduce both of my nans is easy. They have very distinct hobbies which have shaped their nicknames that my sister and myself gave to them whilst being children. My mother’s mum is named Knit Nanny (Exactly that, she knits!) with my father’s mum being named Yummy Nanny (Baker and cook extraordinaire!). For short K Nanny and Y Nanny. Over the years many times have I shared in the love of both hobbies and sat with them curious to learn about life skills that have had such dedicated practice. I commonly wear the jumpers K Nan has knitted me. They draw a lot of compliments with people asking where I have purchased them. I very proudly, and with a huge beaming smile across my face, announce that my Nan has made it for me! They usually think it is a rather expensive branded jumper! (See in the pic below!) My other Nan, Y Nan, is locally known by neighbours, family and acquaintances for her wonderfully tasty and authentic jams, chutneys, cakes, piccalilli and my personal favourite, her Mac and Cheese! With recipes that are closely guarded, perfected over decades and only shared with those closest, my nans kitchen is the place to learn how to cook anything and everything. My nan has passed this love of cooking onto me of which I am thankful for as it is a life skill which will pay dividends.
Growing up with my Aunties/Uncles and Grandparents near, I have been fortunate to visit everyone quite often. I feel extremely lucky to be able to spend time around them as I know some of my friends for example have family that live hours away so can’t visit as frequently. Sundays are usually the visit days of my Nans. On most Sunday mornings K Nan and my Aunt come and visit us after their usual jaunt to go shopping. We sip tea, chat and catch up on each other’s weeks and talk about any events or lunches coming that we have organised. Its wonderful to wake up on a Sunday after a lie in and come down to family in such a chilled atmosphere. Then they depart pre-lunchtime with a visit to Y Nans house on the cards. Ironically, that’s one of the activities we partake in there! For some reason, my whole family, me included, are sticklers for playing the game Crib/Cribbage. Pairing that with a usual chat and fussing over her cat, it makes for a wonderfully relaxing afternoon. Also, from either Nan’s house I have never gone hungry, consumed astonishing amounts of tea (specifically Yorkshire) and have lost track of time due to putting the worlds to rights and being intrigued at many an anecdote.
The stories of which this generation have to tell, the advice that they can impart and the knowledge and experience they have is important to me and generally speaking these are the two people I base most of my decisions on. Both have differing personalities but what both have in common is that they are caring women who to their power, would do anything for anyone regardless of their physical capabilities. This selflessness is something I hope to reciprocate in my life as I believe it is important to pass on kindness. Radiating and oozing experience and knowledge is something that comes without effort to my Nans and Nans in general. As a general rule they are also the most hospitable, lovely, cheerful people making them for me, the top sort of people to be around. You will never go hungry or thirsty, you can ask for advice that has been forged over a whole lifetime and due to retirement, they will always have time for a visit which not only makes me happy but also them.
I think the world of my nans because of all they have given to me. Especially coming up to Christmas where days get shorter and people can feel colder and lonelier, it is important we make sure the typically more secluded generations feel loved and cherished. On Christmas day this year, both of my Nans will be joining us for Christmas dinner making this festive season one to remember. Not only that but it is important we spend time with those closest all year round. I will continue to spend time with both K Nan and Y Nan because they are helping shape the man I am today. They support me without any judgement and will always be willing to teach me life skills to help me continue to become a better and more rounded person. These are the reasons I spend so much time round them and love them both equally with all my heart. I dote on them because of the people they are and the person they have made me. I LOVE being a Nanny’s boy.